Each of our massages offer therapeutic, yet relaxing touch therapy with pressure that is suited for your preference. We layer traditional techniques with intuitive modalities to create an experience crafted just for you and what your body needs. Beautiful, plant-based products full of aromatic ingredients elevate our treatments and bring your mind and body into a place of escape and rest.

Rest Easy Massage
  • This massage provides everything your tired body needs. Therapeutic yet relaxing pressure, head-to-toe touch therapy to release tension in tight muscles, and focused techniques to stretch and bring healthy flow to connective tissue.

    60 minutes


Rise Up Massage
  • This restorative full-body massage offers therapeutic touch to release tension in muscles as well as advanced modalities including hot stones. Our results-focused yet deeply relaxing techniques bring your nervous system into a safe and restful place.

    90 minutes


Get Away Massage
  • This meditative, slow-paced massage will bring your mind and body to a state of rest like no other. During your treatment, your therapist will intuitively work out tension in your muscles, create healthy mobility and balance your nervous system. Advanced modalities such as stretching, reflexology, and hot stones will be used to bring calm to your body and mind.

    2 hours




